THURSDAY, MARCH 13 12:30-5:00
THURSDAY, MARCH 27 12:30-5:00

In 2001, nine of the churches of Galena began the process of forming the United Churches of Galena. Prior to this, there was duplication of efforts to meet the needs of the hungry in the community, and so the first task of the United Churches of Galena was to consolidate these efforts by forming the United Churches of Galena Food Pantry.
The earliest organized efforts to meet the needs of the hungry began in the late 1970s with efforts as small as a food closet in the St. Mary’s Rectory basement. Eventually the pantry was moved to the basement of St. Michael’s. At this point in time the United Churches of Galena was formed and soon after that the Galena State Bank, now Illinois Bank & Trust, offered the use of space in the basement of its then new building at 971 Gear Street.

Who uses the Food pantry? They are elderly poor, families plagued by debilitating disease, persons who have lost a job for one reason or another, families recovering from the ravages of substance abuse. The only thing we ask is that our clients self attest that their income meets the Emergency Food Program Income Eligibility Guidelines as set by the Illinois Department of Human Services. These guidelines set the standard for those who receive federal commodities.
Mission Statement
The United Churches of Galena Food Pantry exists as a ministry of the
United Churches of Galena to provide cost-free food for the
hungry as a witness to our common faith in Jesus Christ.
The United Churches of Galena Food Pantry takes its direction from
Matthew 25:35 “…for I was hungry and you gave me food.”
The Food Pantry will treat all people with dignity and respect and will turn no one away.
Guidelines for The United Churches of Galena Food Pantry
1. United Churches of Galena Food Pantry will treat all who
come before it with respect and dignity.
2. The United Churches of Galena Food Pantry will turn no one
away. People who abuse charity are subject to their own consciences
and accountable to God not to Food Pantry volunteers.
3. The Pantry will open for distribution at the direction of the Board.
4. The United Churches Board will appoint a director(s). Volunteers
for the Food Pantry will be recruited at the churches.
5. In case of emergency food need, please call 815-777-1456 for assistance.
6. The United Churches of Galena Food Pantry will provide food on an
as-needed basis to people in need for any reason, such as loss
of income, fixed income or low income.
7. A file will be maintained only for auditing the records of the Food Pantry.
Board of Directors